Ramadan Quiz!நோன்பு, அதன் மாண்பு ! PART 4
1. Who are amongst the people that must fast in the blessed month of Ramadan, and those that are not obliged to fast in this month?
Those who must fast: All mature and sane Muslims, male and female. Those who are exempted: The sick, the travelers, those too old to fast, women in child birth, women with periods, pregnant women whose heath is endangered, breast feeding women whose health is endangered.
2. What is said about performing supererogatory acts in the blessed month of Ramadan in comparison to obligatory acts performed at any other time than Ramadan?
A supererogatory ( Nafil) act in Ramadan merits the same reward as an obligatory act in any other month.
3. What facts about the month of Ramadan have been related by hadith in regards to what takes place related to heaven and hell?
The gates of heaven are opened and the gates of hell are shut.
4. This ayah from the Qur’an is in reference to what night in this blessed month of Ramadan, “.......which is better than a thousand months”.
Lailatul Qadr (The Night of Power)
Surah al-Qadr, surah number 97
5. What did Sayyidina ‘Umar ibn al-Khattab Rady Allahu ‘Anhu say about the tarawih salah? How many rak’ah did he set the salah to be?
He said what a good bid’a (innovation) it is. 20 raka’ah.
6. What is one of the sunnahs when a Muslim, for a valid reason cannot keep fast?
Not to eat in the presence of a fasting person. Repay it by fasting the number of days missed after Ramadan or Give kaffara equal to the amount of one Sadaqa tul Fitr in charity to the poor for each day missed.
7. What connection does the Qur’an and the blessed month of Ramadan have that makes the month very important and sacred?
The Qur’an was revealed in Ramadan.
8. It is said that the odour of a fasting Muslim is more fragrant to Allah Sub’hanahu wa Ta’ala than what?
9. How is the month of Ramadan a significant part of the five pillars of Islam?
It is the fourth pillar of Islam Of the five pillars of Islam, the declaration of Shahadah, salah and Fasting can be done by all Muslims while Zakah can be given and Haj performed only by those with the means to do so. It teaches us to be more humble, pious, patient and charitable.
10. What are some of the lessons taught through Ramadan in regards to food and how we should eat and drink during Ramadan?
Be moderate in eating food, never lavish.
Never waste food.
Be grateful to Allah for providing you food and drink.
Make sure your neighbour is not going hungry.
11. Hadrat Jibril ‘Alayhissalam used to bring revelation to the beloved Nabi Sallallahu ‘alaihi wa Sallam but in the month of Ramadan, he visited him for another specific purpose. What was that?
To recite to him the Qur’an
12. What are the duas for keeping and breaking the everyday fast in Ramadan. Write their meanings as well.
Du’a for keeping the fast (made the night before)
Nawaytu sawma ghadin min shahri Ramadan
I intend to fast during the day in the month of Ramadan
Du’a for breaking the fast
Allahumma laka sumtu wa bika amantu wa ‘alayka tawakkaltu wa ‘alaa Rizqika aftartu
O Allah! I fasted for Your sake and I believe in You and I put my total trust in You and I break my fast with the food provided by You.
13. List the days other than in Ramadan when Muslims fast.
a) Six days in Shawwal after ‘Eid ul Fitr.
The 9th of Dhul Hijjah : Yaum ul ‘Arafah
9th and 10th of Muharram. On the 10th of Muharram Nabi Musa ‘Alayhissalam was saved from the army of Fir’awn
d) 15th Sha’ban : Nisf Sha’ban
e) The 13th, 14th and 15th of each Muslim (lunar) month, called Ayyam ul Beed (The White Days)
f) On Mondays, as the beloved Prophet Sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam was born on Monday
g) On Thursdays, which is also the sunnah of our beloved Prophet Sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam
14. List three important events in the history of our Nabi Sallallahu ‘alaihi wa Sallam that occured in the month of Ramadan?
The Qur’an was revealed
The Battle of Badr
The Victory (fat’h) of Makkah
15. In which year was fasting in Ramadan enjoined on the Muslims?
2 A.H. ; 623 C.E
16. It is said that the month of Ramadan is in three parts. List them and describe the special blessings of each part.
First 10 days: Brings Allah’s mercy
2nd 10 days : Brings Allah’s forgiveness
3rd 10 days : Brings emancipation from hell-fire
17. What is Sadaqa tul Fitr?
Charity given in Ramadan and before ‘Eid salah for each person in the family. The amount to be given per person is 2.45 kg of wheat or barley or the value of the barley in cash.
18. How is the month of Ramadan concluded and what is the significance of this day?
After Ramadan comes ‘Eid ul Fitr which is a day of rejoicing as Allah rewards Muslims for their fasting. There is salatul ‘Eid, takbeerat, visiting relatives, the sick and the graveyard to pray for the dead.
19. What are the names of the Islamic months before and after Ramadan.
Month before Ramadan : Sha’ban
Month after Ramadan : Shawwal
20. Zhikr is one of the best things you can do. What is zhikr?
Rememberance of Allah
21. Generally, at what age does fasting in Ramadan become compulsary?
When someone attains puberty, at the age of 13 or 14
22. If you recite one juz everyday, how many times can you complete the recitation of the Holy Qur’an in the month of Ramadan?
23. In which month of the Islamic Calendar does Ramadan fall and what is it based on?
Ramadan falls in the ninth month of the Islamic Calendar. The Islamic calendar, like the solar calendar has twelve months. The Islamic calendar is based on the moon (Lunar), while the solar calendar is based on the sun (Solar).
The solar calendar months are made of 30 or 31 days except for February. The Lunar calendar months are made of 29 or 30 days. Ramadan is sometimes 29 days and sometimes 30 days. Ramadan is a very important month for the Muslims.